Groundless Ground Podcast

Teja Bell on Chinese Internal Arts

Episode Summary

Teja Bell is a lifelong practitioner and teacher of Aikido, Taijiquan, Qigong, Neigong, Zen Buddhism and Taoism. I have studied qigong with Teja for many years and delighted in QigongDharma, his unique integration of Buddhist meditation and qigong.

Episode Notes

This episode is a celebration of Teja Bell, a lifelong practitioner and teacher of Aikido, Taijiquan, Qigong, Neigong, Buddhism and Taoism. I have studied qigong with Teja for many years and delighted in QigongDharma and Radiant Heart Qigong, his unique integration of Buddhist meditation and qigong. He is an Aikido master (6th degree black belt) and a roshi in the Rinzai Zen Buddhist lineage. Teja shares his remarkable introduction to martial arts as a young teen in Iowa, and long history of study with renown teachers in judo, kung fu, yang style taijiquan, qigong, Liu He Ba Fa, Buddhism, Taoism and hatha yoga. He also describes the evolution of Chinese Internal Arts as they moved throughout Asia and the mechanics of qi, the subtle body and mind. This is special episode, one born from the shared heart/mind of precious teacher and humble student.